Archive for the ‘Life and Living’ Category

The year was 2002. The day was November 18. And I had just woken up into a warm Monday morning cooled by the humming Air Conditioners within the confines of my room at Hotel Poonja International in Mangalore. I lay motionless in the bed listening to my watch ticking the seconds off counting down to […]

Not many things keep me away from writing, except when I’m down with a prolonged sickness and start seeing the nine (or is it eight?) planets of the solar system rotating around my head every time I cough – which was pretty much all through the day. So over the past two weeks, whenever the […]

This doesn’t happen often, but I’ve been held to the ground with a tri-tag. DG, Amrita and Tanay have all tagged me and I’m supposed to blow my own trumpet with eight random facts about myself and tag eight other unsuspecting victims in the process. So, here are my eight nothings. 1. I’m lazy to […]

His business is still on, and still at the same spot I reached Trichy city after the eventful trip in the dinky buses. There was a time I used to call this city my home – when I was this little schoolboy bemused with his first pimple on the cheek, clad in maroon uniform shorts […]

When you board a dinky crowded bus that wouldn’t go faster than a forty, shakes the life out of you every time it changed gear, sit beside a window that won’t open more than half, have four men seated in a three-seater with six bags under the footrest, you know you are up to experience […]

I could hear myself giggle above the soft instrumentals that enlivened the ambience at Crossword. Bill Bryson is always a joy to read. More so, when you are seated stretching your legs on the red cushioned chair in the Crossword reading lounge. The spectacled little kid sitting next to me flipping pages of a thick […]

The tag thing is up again, and this time on a rather serious note. After Am started it, DG tagged me in her Feminism in a desi setting post, and here I go with my take. From email forwards to movies, there has been a pattern of trivializing the opposite gender in the name of […]

Mr. Annoyance


Have you ever been with the most annoying person in this world? I mean, it’s a large world with infinite possibilities and there has to be someone in this world who’s the most annoying of everyone. And there is every chance he works somewhere near my company, and his car breaks down and he commutes […]

“Who will help solve my bugs”, “Who is taking over from you”, “Is he as good”, “Can I call you if I need help”, “Take care”. Those were some of the parting pleasantries I received from the team in the last few minutes of winding up my assignment and rushing to Meenambakkam. It’s been a […]

It was quite late at night, when I stepped out from the Meenambakkam airport to be greeted by a swarm of auto-wallahs pushing against themselves in search of, possibly, their last customer of the night and a sudden smack of gripping heat that slapped against my face. The latter reinstating the arrival of Chennai city. […]