We, The Bloggers


“We take your fun seriously”. The caption of BrewHaha was apt to describe the meeting of Bangalore Bloggers. Over forty bloggers from varied professional backgrounds, some with a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (one of them actually queued at Blossoms even before the sun rose for the day) tucked under their arms and a jubilant smirk on their face, made themselves comfortable over bean bags, low-rise chairs, carpets and designer pillows that flanked across the floor at BrewHaHa on a bright Saturday afternoon.

Bangalore Mirror covered the meet in its July 23 edition

It was exciting to see a number of faces hitherto known only by the words in their blogs, including a number of fellow Desicritics. Some of them had suggestions for the Biz/Tech section (me being the section editor) on how we could cover more technological tit-bits and further enrich the section.

The enthusiasm was apparent and before any time lapsed we got into business with a quick round of introductions. Suddenly we began speaking another common language – the language of corporate India – where Mocha Frappes and Cappuccinos meant ‘Have a good afternoon’. The coffee cups began making their rounds as the bloggers – now christened Blogaloreans – went about our stuff.

Blogging is not just a phenomenon. From the days of daily rants, blogging has evolved into a major medium of communication and information exchange that is determined to harness its power to make a difference in whatever ways it can. A few of the bloggers shared their ideas of a Web NGO, Wings – an initiative to help differently enabled individuals take up adventure sports, and a number of other ideas most of which would be formally discussed in the upcoming BarCamp.

The primary aim of the meet was to nail down a list of topics to be discussed in the Bloggers Collective at the BarCamp at IIM-B campus, scheduled for the coming weekend (28th, 29th July). The following are some of the topics.

1. Technical tips for non-technical bloggers
2. What do you Blog about?
3. Social responsibility of a blogger
4. Copyrights and Censorship in blogging
5. IT Laws
6. Mainstream Media versus Blogging
7. Corporate Blogging

These topics are indicative and as is the spirit of BarCamps there would be more of it. I will be co-moderating a proposed debate on Mainstream Media versus Blogging.

This is also the first formal attempt to form a professional community of bloggers in Bangalore. Arun, one of the organizers of the BarCamp conveyed to us that they have formalized certain points with IIM-B for conducting the Bangalore BarCamp every four months in its campus.

This support from the academia and the enthusiasm of the bloggers is sure to take us a long way making this a socially responsible global phenomenon that would not hesitate to raise its voice through this powerful medium and make a difference whenever it matters. And BarCamps are important events to make it happen.

10 Responses to “We, The Bloggers”

  1. Neat post! ‘Blog’-that’s the way to be :)
    Would you be co-ordinating any of the sessions at BCB4?

  2. 2 Amrita

    I’m a bit skeptical about blogging as a means to Change but I wish I’d been able to make it – you guys might have changed my mind :D

  3. You’ve been tagged for the Writers Tag Kishore- here is the start http://justordinary.wordpress.com/2007/07/22/writers-tag-the-war-between-bonnie-billy/

    Be sure to tag another and leave a tag link on the end of your addition so I can track the story :)

    Let us see how this goes…

  4. 4 DG


  5. Yes

    That was me Kishore the enthu cutlet who purchased the book at 4.00am! and brought it with me to the meet. Nice post well written


  6. 6 Kishore

    Try to make for BCB!

    It won’t change the world, but atleast it will make some voice heard. That would be good enough.

    It’s up! :)


    Of course, it was YOU! :D

  7. Nice write up.. Finally, some one saw that article.. I have it but am not able to get it scanned..

  8. 8 some body

    “Some of them had suggestions for the Biz/Tech section (me being the section editor) on how we could cover more technological tit-bits and further enrich the section.”

    hmmm… so you are an editor and a feminist to boot. is this a truth or dare blog or what?!! ;-)

    – s.b.

  9. 9 Kishore

    Ah! The technological tit-bits part. Gosh, how come I never realized it could actually be made bold face? ;) Talk of being intellectually challenged, eh…

    But yes, sooth be said – i’m an editor and a feminist. :)

  10. 10 desigirl

    why the hell didnt u make any attempt to contact me when i was blore last week? i didnt have your number but posted my number in the forum etc and waited for someone to get in touch. big time peeved to tell the truth.

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